Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I love to handquilt but I am not patient. I finished a gorgeous quilt that begs to be handquilted and I started doing just that. However, it is a painfully slow process. The vacillation has begun. Iam not that far into the handquilting so I can un-stitch and machine quilt it. Yet I really dont want to capitulate to my impatience. I groan and sigh and remind myself of the sense of accomplishment awaiting me when the last stitch is put into the binding. Then, the brilliant idea came to me, a "Quilt Jar." Some people have a cuss jar. They put money in the cuss jar each time they say a bad word. My Quilt Jar will be stashed with cash each time I patiently and joyfully rock the stitch

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lazy Sundays, whats that? Today was the day to find out. The day began at 7:30 am with letting the dog out. Realizing that everybody would be asking whats for dinner while they sat in front of the TV watching football, I devised a plan. Make the lunch and dinner meats right then and there. At 8am I
baked chicken breasts to shred for wraps and dice for salads later in the week. Then I barbequed more chicken for today's dinner.
When everyone woke up. I informed them, they were responsible for the rest of the dinner so start cooking before game time. Guess what? They did.
I took two naps, now I can get a few hours of handquilting in.
Life is good.